From My Heart to Yours

  • The Change; Will you be a part of it?

    There are times when I complain about the complacency of the public in a world where the very same public is being exploited openly and carelessly, and then there are times when people, as few as they may be, finally give me a little bit of hope. On October 5, the official declaration of the…

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  • Justice? What's That…

    Twenty-two years ago an undercover Georgia police officer by the name of Mark MacPhail was shot and killed. Two years later,  Troy Davis was convicted of the murder and sentenced to death row. The conviction came with no evidence linking Davis to the crime, no murder weapon, and more reasonable doubt than evidence, yet he…

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  • Casey Anthony: Once and For All

    Admittedly, I am completely ignorant of the explicit details of this case. Being a journalism student, I should probably be ashamed–but shame does not change the fact. I was never one to indulge in the excess of the media and their most often insignificant targets. I always found that the things the news glorified, even…

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  • The End Where I Begin

    My last week in Australia has lent itself to a lot of analysing and reflection, as it should have I suppose. I am not quite sure why it would take until my very last few days for me to realise what a feat I have overcome, but I am glad to acknowledge it nonetheless. Here…

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  • Fins and Things

    If there is any part of this six week trip that has made me feel the experience was worthwhile, it was my past weekend trip to Cairns. I have always been the type to get more excited about natural beauty than architectural. Though I can certainly appreciate the intricacies of buildings a thousand times my…

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  • A Cold and Rainy Combination

    My emotional high this week came from the fact that my story made the front page of the Wentworth Courier–the biggest publication in the Eastern subs. That’s right. I came all the way from America to land a front page spot! Now, I assume these are common happenings for a journalist, but I also assume…

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  • Work, Souvenirs and Such

    My days have become routine. I wake up, I go to work, I go back to my apartment and I go to sleep. There really is nothing much more to my weekdays than that.(Other than the occasional supermarket visit or something of the sort, of course. And I am thankful that I get to go…

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  • My Weakness is Showing

    It happened. No matter how much I pep-talked myself, how occupied my days were, or how deeply I dug down into my inner well of strength, I find myself writing to you today, more homesick and lonely than I think I have ever been. I admit perhaps my biggest vulnerability is my fear of being…

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  • And So My Journey Begins

    My first week in the expensive city of Sydney has been eventful, to say the least. It took me about three days to get over my jet lag–I often found myself falling asleep by 6pm and then waking up before the sun did. I didn’t mind the waking up early part though because it really…

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  • How to Update a Blog in 10 Minutes

    My grades this semester are a reflection of how much more effort I put into extracurricular activities and my social life than I did my schoolwork. I am not blaming anyone at all, though, and I leave my junior year behind with my head held high. Even though everyone knows how seriously I take my…

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