From my heart to yours

About This Blog

Teaching, learning, traveling — and writing about it.

What started out as just a high-school hobby, a forum for me to talk about benign far-away things from the inner me whether or not anyone was reading, has turned into a place where I can unapologetically be myself in front of all who care to join me. At first, I shuddered to think that I would ever want to comb the depths of my mind for the world to see. And for the first few years, I didn’t. But over time I realized how useful my words could be not only for others but also for myself. Not only have I discovered that writing is my therapy, but having all my thoughts in one place where I can tangibly see my growth over the years––where I can tangibly see that it does, indeed, get better over time––was an unexpected and greatly welcomed bonus.

I hope, in some way, it can be the same for you too. I hope you can see my humanity, my struggles, and my triumphs, as a mirror to yours.

​And, if not, maybe you can at least enjoy yourself in the process of knowing me.



Writer, Teacher, Student of life

Follow My Journey