Work, Souvenirs and Such

2 min read

My days have become routine.

I wake up, I go to work, I go back to my apartment and I go to sleep. There really is nothing much more to my weekdays than that.(Other than the occasional supermarket visit or something of the sort, of course. And I am thankful that I get to go out and do interviews on occasion, and at the very least I remain quite updated on the happenings in the Eastern subs.)

Nevertheless, this past week has been very dull. I was all alone in the apartment this weekend as all of my roommates took off on their own adventures. I came home on Thursday evening to see suitcases at the bottom of the steps and the next thing I knew I was alone. I went to sleep that night before Sam got back, and when I woke up the next morning she was not in the room. So what did I do?

I went to work.

When I came back from work there was a note on my bed. Sam had gone surfing. She would not be back until Sunday.

I will admit, I did enjoy the alone time and I actually came to appreciate it. (I did not, however, enjoy the dishes that were left in the sink downstairs.) I spent Saturday in bed–all day. No, not because I am lazy. It was a very rainy and cold day, and what is more soothing than hearing the pitter-patter of the rain drops as you lay comfortably under the sheets and nod off into dream land?

Absolutely nothing. I know.

On Sunday morning I went to the internet cafe and Skyped my family. All at once. Literally. They were all talking at once and trying to hog the camera and conversation and it was just the cutest thing. (Yep. They miss me.) After the call I suddenly felt better about my life. Later that day I went to the movies with my cousin and we watched X-men.

Did I ever mention the movie theatres here are amazing? Yeah. Muvico (Cinemark) has nothing on these high-society movie theatres. They even have a special “Gold Class” club, where you can basically pay more to have something like your own theatre. You get to enter this special section in the theatre which is basically a lounge–bar and all. Granted, since even the regular tickets are expensive ($16 for one)you can certainly expect those Gold Class tickets to be twice that. It is a great place to go on a romantic movie date though, in style. And your date definitely cannot call you cheap for that one.

Mondays are my days off, so I got a chance to blow all of my money buying souvenirs yesterday at Manly. I am not nearly as worried about the money I spent as I am about finding space in my suitcase for all the goodies when it is time to go back. It is no secret that I am one to over-pack. I still have not even gotten anything for myself as I am waiting for the trip to the Great Barrier Reef to treat myself. (Don’t act surprised. You know the mermaid would have to wait for the swimming trip to get a t-shirt, or perhaps a bathing suit. Grin.)

Speaking of the GBR, have I told you how excited I am for that? Skydiving, snorkelling, scuba diving and zip-lining all in one weekend!

Oh the thrills.

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A personal blog exploring life, travel, and the human spirit.