From My Heart to Yours

  • It’s My Birthday, I Can Sleep If I Want To

    Admittedly, every year around my birthday I always harbour some very unconventional feelings. Most people, I assume, look forward to their birthday and think of it as an opportunity to celebrate life and where it has taken them thus far. (And to get gifts, of course.) But for me, my birthdays are always a time…

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  • Love, or Something Like It

    It’s funny how when we’re growing up we get ourselves involved in these relationships that are so shitty unhealthy and so destined for failure, yet somehow we manage to convince ourselves and each other that it will work … And things will get better. Until they don’t. And by the time we realise there is probably…

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  • Keyboard Critics

    There’s an occurrence, for lack of a better word, that I have been noticing for a while now and I am finally making time to address it. You have all seen it, at one point or another. You’re on your computer or smart phone, scrolling through Chris Brown’s instagram photos or Demi Lovato’s Twitter mentions or…

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  • The Sun Burns

    Last weekend we made our annual trip to the Keys, but this trip was anything but usual. For one, I was actually old enough to go out and drink — and I had every intention of enjoying what the nightlife had to offer, even if that meant sitting around chatting and drinking non-virgin Pina Coladas….

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  • Another Day, Another Move.

    I was just getting adjusted and comfortable in my new job when we up and moved the entire office yesterday. Everyone knows I love a change of scenery, but I’d at least like to look at the painting I got just barely a month ago before it is taken away forever. The office was old,…

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  • What’s New

    Aside from the obvious change in design, there are a few other changes I have made to my blog for what I am going to call its rebirth. But before I point them out, I would first like to welcome any new readers I may have gotten from Twitter or Instagram, and thank my tried…

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  • Pride and Celebration

    As if we needed another reason to be extremely proud of our little island paradise, Jamaicans all across the world spent the weekend celebrating and rejoicing with a pride unmatched, perhaps, by any other country. Over the weekend we celebrated two gold, one silver and one bronze medal at the Summer Olympics — all from…

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  • Pause, Playback, Rewind.

    And just like that, it is August already. No one told me when I graduated from high school that the creator was going to press the magic fast-forward button of life to make the next few years zoom by like trees on the side of the highway. You can see them, and if you wind…

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  • Life, As It Begins

    Quite a bit has happened since we last spoke, to say the least. I graduated from University, moved back home and landed my first full-time 40-hours-a-week job — all in a matter of three months. And in an economy like this one, we all know it would be a grave understatement to say that I…

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  • Opposites

    Isn’t it funny how the world keeps spinning no matter how broken you are inside? No matter how much you wish that the sun would stop shining, the clock would stop ticking, the world would stop spinning.. And every one would just pause for just a minute and acknowledge the fact that your heart is…

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