It’s My Birthday, I Can Sleep If I Want To

2 min read

Admittedly, every year around my birthday I always harbour some very unconventional feelings.

Most people, I assume, look forward to their birthday and think of it as an opportunity to celebrate life and where it has taken them thus far. (And to get gifts, of course.)

But for me, my birthdays are always a time I’d rather skim past. I will be the first to say that this probably is due in large part to the fact that every year I tell myself that I am not looking forward to it or that something bad is going to happen. And we all know how powerful a negative thought can be.

Although I am sure I have had a great many things to be thankful for on my birthdays past, I can’t help but mention that I am more inclined to remember the incidents that weren’t so memorable — in an ironic and unfortunate kind of way. But this year, as I caught myself slipping into my usual negativity, I decided mid-fall to change my thoughts. I told myself, instead, that this year I was going to have a good birthday.

What with all the positive energy I have had around me for the past month and a half, I couldn’t see why not.

And I was right.

My birthday yesterday was actually not a complete disaster. It was not perfect, of course, but I certainly felt an enormous amount of love and appreciation as I sat, partially hungover, at my desk at work. Most of my coworkers and my boss had no idea it was my special day and I left work early because I was not feeling very well, only to go home and do absolutely nothing but stuff my face and sleep.

But in the greater, more beautiful picture, I really can’t say I have anything to complain about. I have amazing friends, a solid support system, a loving boyfriend, a job I love, and all of life’s basic necessities — and then some.

Life … Is good.

So here is to one more year of experience.


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