From My Heart to Yours

  • Introverted

    I happened upon a post today that I felt was describing me to the entire T, so I thought I would share it with you guys. For those who don’t really know me, this will help you understand me perfectly. And for those who do, I’m hoping you’ll find as much truth in this as…

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  • Structured Exploitation

    I knew I was obsessed with Ed Sheeran for a reason. This morning I was on my way to work listening to the Elvis Duran morning show, as usual, and to my very very pleasant surprise, their special guest today was my boy Ed. (Have I mentioned I am obsessed yet?) For anyone who listens…

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  • The Over-thinker

    For some reason, whenever we are going through something, we are always urged by everyone to talk about it. Why is that? Is there some sort of a link between our mouths and our feelings whereby as soon as we express them verbally, they get released from us? Because if so, I think I need…

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  • A Life Worth Living

    There’s a genocide going on in America. It’s not the senseless shooting inside an Aurora Colorado movie theatre that killed 12 people, or the “devastating” staged shooting of Sandy Hook Elementary School that supposedly killed 26. This genocide is real. And it’s killing more than a million innocent people every year — some being dragged…

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  • I Can, Therefore, I Think

    Considering how many times a day being on Twitter sets me off, it really is a shame that I don’t blog more often. I usually express my outrage for popular opinion and societal “norms” and behaviours in the form of Twitter rants, (or personalised text messages to those who instigated it) which more times than…

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  • Where The Heart Is

    I am really surprised that I never came on here to express my elation with the fact that my boss gave me time off from work for the holidays. I am also, though not equally, surprised that I never came on here to express my subsequent, albeit short-term, depression following the disclosure of something I…

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  • Enslaved by the Dollar Bill

    Allergies have plagued me all of my life. But aside from itchy eyes and a few sneezes here and there, I pretty much never got sick. Ever. Now that I started working full-time every day, however, it seems like sickness just plagues me. I write to you today with a massive headache, a runny nose,…

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  • Breaking Point

    I’ve got A LOT on my chest. So, as a warning, it’s quite possible this will be a blog like you have probably never seen on here. Here goes… Lately, I have noticed that I have become really lackadaisical and somewhat of a pushover. Granted, I have always been quiet and to myself, however it…

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  • Lesson.. Plans?

    I’ve got a bombshell for you guys. Are you ready for it? I think … I want … to become a teacher. (Surprise .. !?) I mean if you think about it, I spend half of my time correcting my peers’ grammar and punctuation, and the other half trying to save the world, which I…

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  • Tweet Twit

    You knew this was coming. So … Here it is. It takes everything in me, every day, every time I look on Twitter, to NOT go ape-shit and correct all of the obvious and irritating mistakes I see in people’s tweets. I mean, we are all human. I get that. And with that comes a…

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