Yesterday was move-in day, but I did not quite make it to Orlando. Today is the day.
As it turns out, mother dearest did not make it up here until Thursday night. If anyone could complain about the woes of travelling it would be her. She had to wake up at 7am for the third day in a row to head to the airport. After missing the only flight out from Montego Bay, (how ridiculous) she had to fly into Kingston and sit in the airport until she made the 8pm flight. Why is it that AirJamaica flies from Montego Bay to Fort Lauderdale only once per day? Who knows.
So she took yesterday as her day to do a few things here in Miami, hence the reason we never made it up to school.
In regards to me and my hibernation, that only lasted so long. I now am unable to sleep. In my world that is so unheard of. Meisha not being able to sleep? Say it ain’t so!
It is so. For the second night in a row I have woken up in the middle of the night fully rested and with no intentions of going back to sleep – on top of the fact that I roll around the entire night only half asleep. “I’m cold. Now I’m hot. Sheets? No sheets. Yes, sheets. Is it morning yet? I need new pillows.”
The weirdest part about this is that I am not going to bed super early, I do not nap in the daytime, and when I do get to lying down, I am usually really sleepy. (Besides that, dont normal human beings need sleep every night?)
I have one more night to get this right. I refuse to start school on Monday without a good night’s rest.
If moving in does not get me tired I do not know what will.