Social Awareness
Disconnected Connectivity: My Unpopular Opinion of Social Media
I’m fairly certain I am in the minority when it comes to what I am about to say. But then, what’s new? I found this important enough to blog about, so you know it must be a pretty outstanding issue from a societal standpoint. And although this might not be within your realm of understanding,…
I Don’t Know if I Believe in Protests, But Last Night I Protested
And tomorrow, I’m going to protest again. This is not because I believe protests in themselves are functional ways to create change. This is not because I enjoy stopping people from going about their way and ignoring the plight of others. (Ok that last one is a lie.) I protested for a simple, simple reason:…
They Say That I’m A Dreamer…
Sometimes, on some days, I wish that I didn’t want more out of life. Sometimes I wish I could be content to know I am doing what society says I should be doing. (Be a good girl. Go to school. Get a job. Pay your bills. Have a family. Pay your bills. Work some more….
The Power You Have
Can we talk about the law of attraction for a minute? I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and mentioned how crazy it is, when he let me know that he had never heard of it. Immediately, I thought, well I certainly don’t mind being the first to tell you about…
Religion and Mankind
Today I am going to take on the most controversial topic I’ve ever written about: religion. (Finally, I know. This draft has actually been sitting on my blog since January. But, fake busy.) If you’re close-minded, an extremist on either end of the spectrum, here just for slander/to argue, and/or lacking analytical skills absent emotional…
Enslaved by the Dollar Bill
Allergies have plagued me all of my life. But aside from itchy eyes and a few sneezes here and there, I pretty much never got sick. Ever. Now that I started working full-time every day, however, it seems like sickness just plagues me. I write to you today with a massive headache, a runny nose,…
The Change; Will you be a part of it?
There are times when I complain about the complacency of the public in a world where the very same public is being exploited openly and carelessly, and then there are times when people, as few as they may be, finally give me a little bit of hope. On October 5, the official declaration of the…
Justice? What's That…
Twenty-two years ago an undercover Georgia police officer by the name of Mark MacPhail was shot and killed. Two years later, Troy Davis was convicted of the murder and sentenced to death row. The conviction came with no evidence linking Davis to the crime, no murder weapon, and more reasonable doubt than evidence, yet he…
Casey Anthony: Once and For All
Admittedly, I am completely ignorant of the explicit details of this case. Being a journalism student, I should probably be ashamed–but shame does not change the fact. I was never one to indulge in the excess of the media and their most often insignificant targets. I always found that the things the news glorified, even…
Meisha on Politics
In my Mass Media class we read about political campaigns and the changes that have taken place. More fitting, we read about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of negative advertisements. Then, we wrote about it. Here is what I said: I have to say, I am very happy and excited to be able to express…