Social Awareness
Their Eyes Were Watching Your Pockets
If I were still blogging regularly, I definitely would’ve written a few on Egypt and my experience here over the last few days. Never have I been so conflicted about a place before as I have been about Egypt. Obviously the historical significance and remnants of ancient civilisations we still have yet to understand are…
I Left, But I Haven’t Stopped Being Angry
Hello readers. I know I left you hanging for the last year — and it saddens me that some of you predicted this would happen. By all rationale, I should have had so much to write about over the last year of not having a full-time job and of traveling to so many places. But…
It’s Not the Silence, it’s the Meditation
I have now completed my 4th sitting of silence, and second 10-day vipassana meditation course as taught by S.N Goenka. I realise I have not written much about the experiences (except that my second sitting inspired me to start my book so I can’t really say that). There is good reason though. As much as…
What Makes A Society
I’ve talked before about the difference I’ve noticed being in a society that was given Buddhism instead of Christianity. But I never really went into the details of why I said that or what it means. Now feels as good a time as any to dive into it. What I can say is that I’ve…
The Crash After the High
I’ve talked before about the difference I’ve noticed being in a society that was given Buddhism instead of Christianity. But I never really went into the details of why I said that or what it means. Now feels as good a time as any to dive into it. What I can say is that I’ve…
In Acro, In Life
Just like yoga, I’ve come to understand that acroyoga is so much more than cool movements and fun poses (although those are really great side notes). Aside from the obvious of testing both your will and your body awareness and capacity, there are some really great life lessons, habits of mind creations, and — dare…
When Who We Are Becomes “Who Are We?”
I think somewhere along the lines, in our quest toward self-awareness, in the blurred lines between selfishness and self-preservation, we got it really wrong. This idea that we are in danger constantly, that everyone and everything is out to get us, has forced us (like most things these days) to take really strong and hard…
Choose, For Yourself
I just wanted to come on here to say to my peers in the US that you do not HAVE to stay there and suffer. You don’t have to fall into this belief system that incessant struggle is a necessary part of the journey. You don’t have to fall into the paradigm of the false…