From My Heart to Yours
I Did Not Survive Mercury’s Retrograde
Last night I stepped outside of myself. The day before the ending of this episode of Mercury Retrograde. I almost made it safely to the end. Almost. But I didn’t. I got off last night from telling someone that he is a vile human being and I don’t even feel badly about it as I…
Wait for Me to Come Home
For my 200th post, and the first on my new site … I have horrible news. I lost my brother. No, not brother unlucky, but his best friend. Our big brother. It has been a month now and I am still as devastated as I was when I first found out. I still get an…
Moving On Up
Hey guys. I’m only here to let you all know that I finally, after about a year of drawn out work, have my own site where I will now be posting. (I promise I’m way more excited about it than this post I just … yeah today is one of the low days of the…
Dear Blog: It’s Not You, It’s Me
I know you’ve grown accustomed to my long periods of absence from my beloved blog. But this time around, I’ve got a confession to make: I started a diary. Before you let all the water out of your blowhole, please accept my sincerest apologies. And let me make it abundantly clear that I have no…
So Far Gone
I think … I’m losing my mind. (Read: this blog will make zero sense). Or perhaps, I’ve already lost it. I can’t remember the last time I saw it. Or the last place we went. Or what I was doing the last time I had it. But I am certainly hoping it hasn’t been permanently…
Empathy: Before it's too late
I think it is time we talk about mental health. We, as a society, need to talk about things like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia etc. We need to stop turning a blind eye to those who show signs of an issue just because we can’t fathom it ourselves or because it only shows through sometimes….