From My Heart to Yours
We Like to Complain, Don’t We?
I’ve been living in Thailand for 1.5 years already, quickly approaching 2. My dream destination for all my life, if ever there was one. No doubt, a dream destination for many people in the world. I moved here to work at a beautiful Montessori school that I found online when I was looking to escape…
A Year of Pain
I’ve been living in Thailand for 1.5 years already, quickly approaching 2. My dream destination for all my life, if ever there was one. No doubt, a dream destination for many people in the world. I moved here to work at a beautiful Montessori school that I found online when I was looking to escape…
A Letter From My Brother
Brother unlucky came to visit. He travelled upward of 36 hours to come and see me. And he stayed for 12 days. During those 12 days, we went to Bangkok, Koh Phi Phi, and Bali. They were all beautiful in their own ways. Bali, specifically, was magical. But, in the end, it didn’t really matter…
The Things I Won’t Miss About China
Obviously, I started putting this together before I actually left China. But I left and went straight to India and completely immersed myself in that incredible experience. (It deserves a separate blog. Soon.) Nevertheless, seeing as how I am still in Asia, I still find most of this relevant. I didn’t have the time of…
The Future, the Present and the Choices We Make
I still remember walking into my classroom on the first day, the first week, the first month, and not having any idea what I’d gotten myself into. These children, I mean they had absolutely no knowledge of English. Most of them couldn’t even say hello. I would ask them their name and they would look…
Chapter 4: Facing Me
I write to you from a tiny village in Yixing, China, known for both tea plants and being the holy land for Buddhism in Southern China. Now, also, it will be known to me as the site of my very first yoga retreat. I mostly came here to be still; to be with myself and…
Between the Lines
Timeto tell me the truthto burden your mouth for what you sayno pieces of paper in the way. Because I can’t continuepretending to choosethese opposite sides on which we falland loving-you-laters, if at all. No right mindscould wrong be, this many times? My memory is cruel.I’m queen of attention to detailsdefending intentions if he fails….