From My Heart to Yours
Chapter 33
It’s been almost 3 months since I’ve been on the road, out of a job, doing my sabbatical or gap year, traveling, enjoying life … free. There are many ways to describe what I’ve been doing. And many ways I can find to talk about it so that the average working person would understand and/or…
More Down Than Counting
My time in Cayman is coming to an end — and I am all but physically crawling to the finish line. Though the transition here was quite seamless, time has shown me something different. And even if I wanted to convince myself to stick it out another year, every thing in me knows it would…
Another 365 days has passed. Just like it did yesterday. And the day before that. Feeling the same amount of gratitude. Taking the same amount of time to reflect as I do every day. I don’t have any profound words for you all for the new year and I won’t make any grand predictions about…
“We Don’t Manifest Love; Love Manifests Us”
It’s very rare that I find another piece of writing that I identify with so much that I want to post it. Especially, especially about Love. But this blog will be just that. In the words of author Rainier Wylde: “We are told that Love can be bought and sold for a monthly membership fee….
It Doesn’t Matter How it Looks; What Matters is How it Feels
Love is such a funny thing. Sometimes it’s grand and obvious, on display for anyone with eyes to see. It’s big gestures and overt displays, outspoken proclamations and expressive affection. Other times it’s subtle idioms and quiet efforts that hide behind the overgrown grasses of a life that carries on daily, with or without our…
The Journey of Leaving
I have officially started the grieving process. To really lean into the depth of what it has meant for me to leave Asia after 4 years to come back and live in the west again. Leaving the children. Leaving my relationship. Leaving an epic community and life I had intentionally carved out for myself behind….